Tuesday, April 7, 2009


When one becomes a parent, it becomes apparent (forgive the pun) that there are a great many things one is unsure of. Today was a great day for me, one of the first in a great many months that have been grey and clouded. Today I was able to take Rowan outside and play with him for nearly an hour. To allot of people that might not seem such a big thing, for me it is. These last few months I have suffered with my PTSD and have had little energy, or will to do much of anything, added to this was absolutely horrid weather and a procrastinating spring. Rowan, Dana and myself flew a remote controlled helicopter around the parking lot ( Rowan flew it as we chased it, and at times it chased us ) Then while the chopper recharged we chased one another around on the soggy grass below the apartments, flew the heli some more and ended the outing just playing in a pile of sand used to sand the ice in the parking lot. I wasn't sure if I would be able to drag myself out to play, however I am glad to say not only was I able, I was able to extend the length that we had planned to play into double. I know much of what I have added to my blog of late has been negative and gloomy, for that I am sorry,I now hope with this small victory to be able to blog on lighter subjects and more often. I read all my followers blogs, though I don't comment much these days and I hope you all read mine. It's nice to know that there are ears out there who listen to a voice in the dark. May God bless you all.