Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Knowing that you have people out there who care about you makes life so wonderful, I've made some good friends in my life and even good friends on line(Wenderz and Dix aka Cory spring to mind). I've been blessed enough to find another good friend, this person has become quite special to me for a number of reasons, most of all because she has been there to talk to and to share with. When we make friends we never know just what that friendship will become, most of the time for myself these friendships never pass the acquaintance stage, I enjoy being around them or talking with them but they never really become people that I want to spend extended amounts of time with.
They say pain shared is pain halved and that joy shared is joy doubled, with this particular friend that saying is so true, when we talk and share either joy or pain I feel these effects, things that bother me I can get off my chest, I vent and she listens and when I share something happy she is as excited as I am.....lol. I honor our friendship and will do my best to be the kind of friend to her that she has been to me. When we find people like this in our lives we need to embrace them and hold them near and dear to us, allow these friends to know the real us and let them know they are safe with us. These friends are what helps make life more bearable along with our families these people are who mean the most.


sribbler said...

having friends around as gives the feeling of being loved and wanted....also it serves as a source to ventilate our problems..

Anonymous said...

I love the way you write :) I need to somehow share something positive in my venting journal somehow lol but that is why I call it venting.. my other journal is for the more happy things such as photos and all that good stuff lol

Hope you doing good this morning

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Awww I love this post. It is really true. Real friends are hard to find and harder to keep. It requires sharing your time and self with them. =)