Saturday, February 7, 2009

one pebble

A face in the crowd, a tear in an ocean, is it possible for a single person to make a difference in the wold? There is an old Japanese proverb, "The largest landslides begin with a single pebble" I like that, it gives me hope. I would like to think that one day I could make a difference to the world, I know that I make a difference to those who I love and those who are my friends, but I would like to touch the world, to really make a difference. growing up most kids had heros like the Hulk, or some sports personality, me...... my hero was Walt Disney, strange?, maybe so but you see Walt did alot for the world, he gave every man and woman the opportunity to be a child, through Disneyland and Disney world, through his movies and his weekly programs, Walt made this world a little better for us all. I don't expect to be as big of an influence on the world but I would like to think that there is something I can do to make us all a little better off.

1 comment:

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Very inspirational. I love the quote "The largest landslides begin with a single pebble"
There are a lot of ways to touch the lives of other people. Like with blogging. You are able to get across to people all over the world. You're blogs have touched my life and serves as an inspiration.