Saturday, March 7, 2009


There was a time in my life when all I cared about was the next dollar, the next high, the next person (victom) to come along to use. I now look forward to the next time I can spend time with Rowan, the next walk with the dog, the next sunset to enjoy. It's funny how we can change. I look at life in a totaly different way now, I do my best to find tranquility and peace when and where I can. I have a strong sence of family and honor now and I find that with friends, family, and my ideals my life has become so much richer. I still have hard times, in fact I am going through some rough things right now, but I have found that I can overcome these times with the help of all the things I hold most dear. Tranquility has been mine to enjoy, and will keep being mine to enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all still have some things that go on. I still do to but just tryig to live... Love the photos :)