Monday, February 23, 2009

Never Forget

Once again I watched Schindlers List, and as with every time before I cried and was sickened with what the movie depicts. I've been asked why I watch movies like that if they make me feel sick and disturbed. My answer to this is simple, how can we let ourselves forget these things? I want to remember these things, I want to pass this on to Rowan, because when we let ourselves forget or not be bothered by the images and feeling these movies and photos invoke is when we as a society are in danger of letting these things happen again. Its so important that we never forget the pain inflicted to others, no matter where and when, I'm not saying that we need to devote our lives to this but we need to honor these people no matter who they were, what nation or religion

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree you should never forget any of that but you do have to move on. I try to stay away from all the negitive movies and shows now. My grandmother loves to watch lifetime and the news 24 7 and I don't see how she deals with all the negitivity all the time lol

I'll just stick to my shows...