Tuesday, March 10, 2009


It has been a bit since I have added anything to my blog, there is a good reason for this. the other day I wrote a friend an e-mail and ended up sticking my foot in my mouth. I make no excuses for myself, I know better than to take meds and do things, so the onus is wholly on me.
My friend being the understanding and great person that He/She is has forgiven me and has said that there is no problem, however I have been reluctant to do much public speaking or writing for that matter since this. I know we all do things we wish we didn't, and I know to error is only human, it is just hard to try and face your shortcomings after an incident such as this. I have learned a valuable lesson from this and will from now on be sure to know how a medication affects me before I do something I might regret later.********* " Never do anything now you are not prepared to explain to a paramedic later" Unknown******** I think that sums it up pretty well. And to my friend I would quote Shakespeare " I have learned me to repent the sin of disobedient opposition, to you and your behest I am adjoined, and I beg your pardon." I know that this person has forgiven and forgot, however I will always remember my blunder and their kindness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the foot in the mouth photo lol