Sunday, January 25, 2009


I just read what one of the writers of another blog said about people who can't comprehend what its like to go through the trauma of having a love one wounded in war, I totally agree with her, I never want to feel that, I know what its like to have severe injuries ( nearly loosing my arm in a crush accident ) but I hope I never have to visit my son in a military hospital because he was wounded defending the freedom of others. That being said I know what it is like to feel the frustration of people saying "I can imagine what its like" or " wow that's bad, one time I...". no sorry unless you have gone through the same experience as I have there is no real way you can know. Hollywood mad a film some 11 years ago called firestorm and for some reason people seem to think that this must be what being in a raging forest fire is like, hate to burst your bubble but once again Hollywood made a farce of things. I have been in a firestorm its not pretty, but what is worse by far is being chased by a crown fire... and knowing that there is little if any chance that you will make it to safety
A firestorm is a complement of factors that in essence creates a tornado of fire, we have come to call and large raging fire that seems to run unchecked a firestorm, I can live with that in accuracy, but a crown scares any wild fire fire fighter more than anything, you see in a crown the fire races through the tops of the trees at amazing speeds with a deafening roar and it seems to block the light. If you are in it or near it your skin itches and seems to shrink as it heats up and feels like it is crisping, and the worst part is that the fire steals the oxygen from you. the fire rushes over your head and then burns its way towards the ground, cascading over you like a wave. People who have never been in one can never really understand it.
Karrie I will not do you the disservice of saying I understand what you must be going through because I can't, all I can say is that I do know what it is like to be in a situation where it is frustrating when people say that they can, or say that they'll try... you can't so please don't try because these are things of nightmares and Lord forbid you ever have to experience them to give you tat understanding. God bless you all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that's really deep. I wont say I understand either. I do know I have always had this thing about fire though. My whole life. Even with the smallest fires around me. I get nervus cooking. I have had some crazy things to happend to much. I don't know what it is but fires scare the crap out me and that's no lie.. Hope you and your boy are doing well and thanks for stopping by my journal. :)