Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What are your favorite sounds?

We all have sounds that we enjoy, sounds that take us back to a cherished moment in the past, sounds that make us relax, even sounds that turn us on.

I would have to say without a doubt my favorite sound is Rowans laugh, when he and daddy play on the floor or wrestle on the bed and he laughs it warms me in my heart, my eyes well up and I want to hug and kiss him forever. Next to that my favorite sound is nature, I live in a rural com unity and was raised with nature all around me. The sound of water burbling across stones, a bluebird on a summer morning, or the breeze through leaves on a hot summer day, these sounds relax and rejuvenate me in a way that no amount of sleep ever could. I am blessed to live where I do (even if winter lasts too damn long) I can see and hear so many wonderful things and really experience the full beauty of nature.

When I was a child I would spend time at my grandparents house (80 miles out of town, no electricity, no phone, just nature all around) and I would spend my days fishing in the river that was just 200 feet away from the front door, sitting for hours listening to the river meander past, the birds calling to one another, the wind passing through the bows of a near by pine tree. On special nights my brother, cousin and I would sleep in the hay loft of the barn and listen to the night sounds, an owl hooting to the night, a deer as it grazed in the horses paddock, and always the river, that constant sound of water moving over the rocks below us, the odd splash of a fish or a bear in pursuit of the fish.

Nature has been a great part of my life, and her sounds always take me back to those days long past when cares were so small, so innocent. The lonely howl of a wolf calling to its pack, or the sound of a grouse drumming for a mate. Childhood was wonderful, full of mystery and hope. I hope all who read my blog can read this and find that certain sound that will invoke a smile and bring a little peace to their lives.

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