Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This is POLITICAL, be warned

I have been quite frustrated at the Canadian media lately, calling our current government "an unholy dictatorship". Let me explain, last November we had a Federal election and the Conservatives won with a minority government. As the economic crises worsened the opposition asked what the government was doing and the Conservatives replied that for the time being there was no plan to act( I think they should have had a plan to instate ) and that when the time was right they would act. I support all free governments, I may not like what they do but I stand behind them as a citizen of a free country and the free world. The three main opposition parties here in Canada are the Liberal as slightly left of centre group, the NDP ( New Democratic Party ) a far left group, and the Bloc Quebecois ( a right of centre separatist group who's only goal seems to be a sovereign nation of Quebec that is still funded by Canada ). These three parties united together to force a nonconfedence vote to oust the Conservatives from power and replace them with a united party of all three opposition parties. Our Primeminister Stephan Harper ( the Bottom pic ) had Parliament dissolved until spring in order to avoid this action by the opposition, this is what the media is calling the dictatorship. I say that we Canadians spoke in November and said that Harper and the Conservatives were the party best fit to govern us through the next 4 years, if anything the opposition is the DICTATORS, they wanted to disregard the voice of the people and replace the people elected government with one that we the people never elected in the first place. That's just the way I see it.
I know I'm right of centre, but as I said before , I support all free governments, I would feel this outrage had the Conservatives attempted this.

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