Saturday, January 24, 2009


Today we took our son and some of our friends met us with their kids at McDonald's play land, I watched my son have a wonderful time playing on all the toys with the other kids and was contented. I began to think of how only ten years ago I could never see myself as a parent, and to tell the truth I didn't want to have kids. Why bring a child into a world so besot with violence and heartache? was the reason I told myself for not wanting kids, now however my view has changed. If we don't bring children into this world teaching them to be the best people they can be this world will never get better. I don't expect Rowan to change the world, but he can make a difference to the people around him, and if there are others who teach their kids this way then little by little our world can become a better place.
The future is never clear to us, we never know what impacts we can make unless we try, I don't expect my son to be without faults but I know that if I teach him to be the best he can be then I know his future will be better than if I took no interest in his behavior.

This blog is called Bushido and raising children, at times I wonder if it shouldn't have been called Bushido and being raised by my child? I learn so much about who I really am from Rowan and the person I would like to see him become from the way I see him interact to the world around him. Maybe some day he will read these entry's for himself and learn something about his father that he didn't know? who knows the future is hidden from us and god reveals his wisdom at his appointed time.

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