Friday, December 19, 2008

The Deep Freeze

It's DANG cold here right now and I'm not having fun in it. My poor dog has such a hard time outside at -40 with the windchill. I take the dog out every few hours for a walk but in this weather his paws freeze before we get too far, people laugh to see me crouched in the snow holding dewys paws in my hands breathing harm breath on then. Dewzer is a Shepard black lab cross about 2 years old and as rambunctious as Rowan. The weather may be cold and I may dread going to work but it is so pretty here wrapped in snow like " A Winter Wonderland " with the fog and hoarfrost on the trees, lights twinkling from all houses reflected in the snow and ice, you can't help but think you are in some sort of a Norman Rockwell picture, with kids with rosy cheeks laughing as they play outside ( just wait till their older and the cold effects them like it does the rest of us ). I hope that I will always remember what it was like to play out in the snow with my friends or one of my dogs, those sweet innocent days of joy and wonder.

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