Thursday, December 4, 2008

That time of year

I am always dumbfounded at this time of year, I see people run around caught up in shopping, mailing and general frustration!! HEY PEOPLE ITS CHRISTMAS!!! its not a consumer crisis!

I do my best to be happy with what I have ( and I'm truly blessed with everything I have ) and most of what I have isn't monetary items, I have my Family who love me, I have a job, I have good health, and I have my honor and morals. Yet everyday at this time of the year I see people who are grumpy, sad, and stressed because they can't afford to by the newest toys and the big screen LCD TV. Lets look at what the word Christmas, Christ is the the root of the word Christmas and this is the most important part of the word ( I realize that December 25
is only the date that the early church decided to use to celebrate the birth of Jesus in order to convert pagans to Christianity ) and I see the next most important part of Christmas being the togetherness of humanity, the joys of family and friends, yes I understand that it nice to give gifts to the ones we love but isn't it a better gift to give the gift of love?
I do my best to instill to my family that the love we show one another at all times of the year is more important than a few baubles given on one morning in all 365 mornings. Yes I purchase and make presents for my family and friends during the holidays, but even on years when I have little money I still give gifts to all. A smile to a stranger, a kind word or deed goes so much further than any flashy wrapped gift.
Call me old fashioned, call me an idealist and even call me a romantic but I would rather spend an hour watching kids play in the snow and spend hours drinking hot chocolate with friends and family than spend my time stressed because I can't see the truly important things.

1 comment:

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

I feel the same way. Let's make everyday a Christmas day. I definitely agree, I don't feel that you need to give to people just on special occasions, we should give just because... we should give to show we care... I believe the best gift we can give is our time. It's something that money can never buy. The things we buy with our money may perish, may become outdated but the memories we make with our family, loved ones and friends are timeless treasures.
I would just like to share a personal experience of mine. A few years back, when my life wasn't so busy, I would really see to it that I get the chance to go down to Missionaries of Christ it's an orphanage near my place. I love kids and I feel so bad for those kids who have no one to call a mom or a dad. I can recall the first time I went there. I went there wearing my nursing uniform and holding tons and tons of bags filled with toys, books, and canned goods. As I stepped inside the kids ran towards me. And to my surprise they hugged me and even kissed me. They didn't really seem to notice all the stuff I brought for them. The nuns took the stuff inside. Yes, kids may want toys, but what they really need is just love and attention. I felt like a celebrity when I went into that orphanage. All those hugs from the sweet kids, all the smiles I received from them. I felt so loved. It's so sad though, coz those kids have so much love to give but no one to give it to. Anyway... I went there to donate some time hoping to be able to play with the kids and maybe even teach them every weekend, but instead they ended up teaching me. They taught me that at the end of the day all that really matters is the time we spend with each other and the love we give and take. Have a blessed day.