Sunday, December 7, 2008

For the fallen

"December 7th 1941, a date which will live in infamy"
This is the 67th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and this year more than most I find myself in a melancholy mood. Just days ago I lost an uncle who served in the U.S. Navy during WW 2 and I can't help but think of all the young service men and women around the world in whatever nation serving and dying for their countries and their beliefs. War must be horrible and yet politicians the world over fail to keep the peace forcing young and old to pay the price, I support the military action in both Iraq and Afghanistan the coalition forces are doing their best to win the freedom of oppressed people, however saying that I can only ponder the views of the other side, right and wrong, good and evil these are subjective truths depending on which side you are on. I'm sure that the Taliban and Aquaida see their cause as just and right just as I know the coalition does. I know wishing will do nothing, but I can only wish that mankind would learn to set differences aside and love one another.
So today I take a moment to say a prayer for those who are serving and for those who have fallen. May you all find your peace, amen.

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