Friday, December 5, 2008

My yardstick

Last year one day I observed a young couple fighting on the sidewalk and the things that they were saying to one another are not something I want to post, but this got me to thinking of my past and the things that I had done both in public and in private, I'm not proud of most of these things, well to be honest none of these things make me proud. I dreaad thinking that my son ould one day act like I did when I was young, and I started to look at things in a new light, I wouldn't want my son to act like I did or swear at the top of his lungs in public so now I ask myself when I'm tempted to do something I know is posibly wrong " would I want Rowan (my son) to act like this?" this has now become my yardstick for messuring my actions. If others would only find a way to ask themselves these questions I think we would all be better off. If you wouldn't want your kids or some other impressionable person close to you to act as you are doing then maybe you should do your best to stop acting that way

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