Thursday, December 18, 2008

The unknown

Well I'm back, my computer crashed and I had to send for some recovery disks, but here I am.
The last few weeks at work have been trying me in so many ways, there is a manager who I constantly butt heads with ( to be fair I have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to this person, the problem is not all her, I need to grow up and listen to my own advise) and there are broken promises that the company made about my work schedule and raise. I guess what all this is leading to is that right now I am considering finding a new job, and with the economy the world is in, well its all unknown for me. If I stay will I be able to work things out with both the company and this individual? should I quit? I'm not really sure what I should do, the road ahead is fogged in and I'm not sure where the next pitfall will be. The only thing I know for sure in this whole mess is that Rowan needs me, he needs the money I make to support our family, and I need to show an example of what it means to be responsible.
We never know whats around the next bend in the road, but we all have to trust that God has a plan and a purpose for everything we encounter. I just pray that he gives me the strength and wisdom to see whats right and to do the right thing.

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