Thursday, January 29, 2009

More of a ramble than anything

Ever stop and wonder what direction you are going in? Not metaphorical, but in reality? I seem to have an internal compass that lets me know what direction I'm going in. I know it sounds weird but its true, there are few places that I can't find north at ( all these places are in cities where I can't see for more than a few hundred yards) I have to wonder how many other people have this, I know my father and brother do but are there others out there that never seem to get lost? I have never been lost in the wild, the only times I have been lost is in the city when I may have known where north was but was unable to go that way because of traffic, or some other obstacle. I have been out in the bush and not known exactly where I was but I always knew how to get to where I wanted to be. IF ONLY LIFE WERE LIKE THAT!!!

I would like to get into another line of work, I always loved working outdoors with my hands or building, my arm has put great limits on what I can do in that respect. I love to cook but I would rather cook what I like rather than what is dictated on the menu, so my job is rather mundane and at time a royal I am thinking of going into nursing, I am good in a crisis, blood doesn't bother me, and I like to help others. I have a counseling licence ( long story why I'm not in that field, lets just say i become too attached to my clients and begin to hurt for them ). Nursing is something I can really get into, when I got hurt I realized that it was the nurses that did over 90% of the work and care for me, they were there for moral support as well as the physical and I really respected them for all they did. I know it would take years for me to complete the program, but I'm still sorta young, and I would like to stay here if I can. ind hey I would look really good in one of those white skirts...lmao


sribbler said...

as a nurse i feel glad for your decision..

Amelia said...

Thanks friend for stopping in and leaving such a kind comment regarding the death of my sister.. it means a lot.