Friday, January 30, 2009

to read or not to read

I like to read when I get time, and I like to read about almost anything though I love fantasy and sifi novels. I would like to pass on my love of books to my kids, and I hope to do it the way my mother did with us kids. My mom would spend hours reading to us as children, it really didn't matter to my brother and I what she read, the bible, novels or even an article from a magazine, we just liked to hear her voice and imagine the places and people she read about. I think I will start reading to Rowan more often and with some luck he will begin the love of books that his father and uncle have. I don't know, books have always been one of my favorite things, in a movie the director and the produces dictates what you see, in a book you see what your imagination wants to see. I love movies, but in my experience the book is almost always better.
I have been taken to far off lands, different world, met monsters and saint, seen history unfold all within my mind. I can loose myself in a book and not have the world around me bother me in a way no other medium of entertainment can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not a reader never liked reading as much as I love my movies but my fav is fantisy and sifi moveis :) There are a few books that I have sit down and finished tho and they are alot better then the movies... just never can make the time to read a book lol just the bible.. but I don't do that no more... I love your journal !