Thursday, December 4, 2008

As a Father

As a father I try and instill to my son the values and beliefs I hold, the problem with this is finding a way to relate them to your child. My son is only two years old but I have watched him grow both physically and mentally, and I realized that his moral growth was well underway. I can't say that I was a perfect person when I was younger, far from it actually, in fact I am a drug addict ( clean 17 years this year ) I have been a drug dealer, scam artist and many other disreputable occupations. I turned my life around many years ago, before I met my wife I had a change of heart. I don't really know what prompted this in me however I am glad that the change occurred.

I have always had a love of things Japanese in particular and the Orient in general and always found the Eastern philosophies engrossing. The most fascinating of these for me is the Samurai code BUSHIDO. It was after watching the movie The Last Samurai that I started to think about how my own moral compass and belief system follows many of the subjects explored in this film ( yes I know that the film is not historically accurate, and I realize that the Samurai were in fact " the bad guys" as history judges these things ) and how I try to mirror the honor and respect shown others in the code of Bushido. I started to explore Bushido in other movies and texts and was quite surprised by my findings, I was quite pleased to realize that I followed many of these teachings and principals and also realized that I had a problem HOW WAS I GOING TO EXPLAIN THESE TO MY SON? !!!!!!!
I welcome people to discuss their ponts of views both for and against and would welcome any ideas and feedback you may have


ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Hey there.First of all I want to congratulate you for turning your life around. It's not easy to do what you have done. Kudos to you!

About the Bushido code... I have come across that topic before. All I can say is have such self discipline to follow through with those teachings is really tough. I know for a fact that the Japanese people have great regards for their word of honor. If they say they'll do something they really will. What strikes me to be a bit scary though is how, if they are unable to fulfill their promises they would commit suicide keep their honor.

Anyway... great job with your blog by the way. Hope to read more of your stuff.

J.L.Hanson said...

I thank you for the compliments,I only do my best to follow the tachings of bushido ( I'm not wholey there yet ) as for the idea of killing myself to keep my honor, If I believed that I would have been dead many years ago.