Saturday, January 31, 2009


No one ever said life would be all sunshine and puppy dogs and I can live with that, but lately I have been feeling down about the turns and twists that my life has been going through. Normally I'm a fairly upbeat person I take the good with the bad and do my best to find a silver lining in every dark cloud, but with my arm feeling the way it has been this winter and not really being satisfied with my job I've had a hard time looking forward to the future. Am I just feeling sorry for myself? Am I being selfish for feeling this way? All I really want is to not have to fight with the workers compensation board every step and to get into school to learn a new profession, one that I can enjoy doing for the next 30 years or so. I have put the accident behind me, I've stop ed hating the person who injured me ( hate in never a good thing to embrace ) and I have learned that there are limits to what I can do. I just want to feel like there is a future for my family and I, one where I make more than $10 an hour.


Anonymous said...

Hello! :)

sribbler said...

"I have learned that there are limits to what I can do"... life is all about setting limits and finding the treasure with in that treasure..

sribbler said...

"I have learned that there are limits to what I can do"... life is all about setting limits and finding the treasure with in that limits..

Anonymous said...

lol (to your comment in my journal) That's funny that you said that cause I have had a couple guys say that to me as a joke... You said something about your arm and the winter time... My mom has RSD and the winter time is the worse for her. Makes her whole body hurt. Not sure if that's even close to what you meant but It's hard seeing her go threw that. there is alot of things that she can't do because of her RSD.

There are jobs that I wish I could do but like I said I'm not a people person and I joke around way to much and I think I'm pretty stupid when it comes to certain things lol I just wish I could get my cleaning company back up and running :( I did make way more then 10 an hour... but now I'm making less... And it's hard going from that to almost nothing... I'm trying to get use to it tho.. I even lost my car :(

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

droppin by to say hello. i hope things will start to look brighter for you and your family. you're always in my prayers. take care.